6621 Westminster Blvd.Westminster, CA 92683

Mon - CLOSED | Tue - Sun: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

*No Cash Accepted* | Ph. (714) 887-6156 Text us now!

Meet the “girl band” litter…

Meet the “girl band” litter…they just came in & are in need of a foster home for 2 weeks until they are big enough for surgery & adoption! If you are interested in fostering this 4-pack of girl power, please text us at 714-887-6156. #wagspetadoption #wagsbottlebabybunch #helpushelpthem #kittenseason #kittensofinstagram #fosteringsaveslives #fosterkittensofinstagram #fosteringkittens #community #cityofwestminster #westminster #westminsterca #westminsterpolicedepartment #shelterlife


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