
6621 Westminster Blvd.Westminster, CA 92683


Mon - CLOSED | Tue - Sun: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

*No Cash Accepted* | Ph. (714) 887-6156 Text us now!

Its a new day and a new dog needs our help! Meet HICCUP!

Its a new day and a new dog needs our help! Meet HICCUP! This is an 8-10 month old Husky who is in need of a leg amputation. As you can see, she is sweet and loves affection! Her leg has a major deformation and it is a hindrance for her. We still have $400 leftover from Wylie’s fund, so we need about $500 more to cover her medical costs. If you can help by donating to www.paypal.me/wagspetadoption and put HICCUP in the comments section! Our city contract does not pay us extra for non-emergency procedures, so donations are the ONLY way we can continue to do what we do! We will also be looking for a foster home for our little cutie! Please text 7148876156 if you are interested #wagspetadoption #shelterlife #shelterdogs #dog #siberianhusky #husky#helpushelpthem #donate #hiccup

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