Throwback Post One year ago

Throwback Post One year ago

Throwback Post One year ago This was one year ago. Thankfully there are new animal cruelty laws to protect animals. If only we could catch horrible people who do them harm. — New impound seen being thrown out of a car off of Goldenwest/Westminster. Impound...
Lost dog named Peter

Lost dog named Peter

Lost dog named “Peter” “Peter” is his name according to his microchip, but the information goes back to Hearts for Hounds Dog Rescue which has no valid phone number that we could find. He was found on Blackpool St in Westminster. Impound number...
Our chocolate lab went missing

Our chocolate lab went missing

Our chocolate lab went missing! COURTESY POST: Please Please we need your help! Our chocolate lab went missing in Huntington Beach Ca in the area of Alabama st and Lake st. Cross streets are Adams and PCH. We are begging for help and offering a large reward for his...
Lost Maltese, name is Biscuit

Lost Maltese, name is Biscuit

Lost Maltese, name is Biscuit COURTESY POST: Lost Maltese, name is Biscuit. Went missing today around 11am on Walker between Lincoln and Cresent. He didn’t have his collar on an his ears and tail are dyed pink right now. He is 15 and is mostly deaf!!! Pleeeeaasseee...

6621 Westminster Blvd.Westminster, CA 92683


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