Meet Mistletoe

Meet Mistletoe

Meet Mistletoe   Meet Mistletoe! She is about 1yr old and will be available for adoption tomorrow (sorry, shes not part of the HAPPY Hour adoption special and her adoption fee is $190) You dont have to wait to meet her tho we open at 1 and you can come put in an...
Tumbler is Excited

Tumbler is Excited

Tumbler is Excited Are you as excited as Tumbler is about our Holiday Happy Hour Adoption Event. All spayed and neutered ADULT dogs are only $10!! And it’s happing this Tuesday, December 17th! It’s between 3:30-4:30pm ONLY! So don’t miss out!! We only have 10 dogs...

6621 Westminster Blvd.Westminster, CA 92683


Mon - CLOSED | Tue - Sun: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

*No Cash Accepted* | Ph. (714) 887-6156 Text us now!

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